After the parade we all went and had a nice lunch at Stoveworks in the Factory. Papa Doc was able to join. Lots of thoughts today about my grandfather who was also a Vet and served his country proudly. What a great way to celebrate this special day and say thanks to all the Vets who have done so much for us!!
-We took Jacob for his physical yesterday. He is growing so well. 90% in head circumference, and 60% and 30% in weight and height.
-Jacob is busy, busy, busy. He LOVES to play with his toys. Some of his favorites right now are his dump truck, ball pit, helicopter, and Noah's Ark. He also really likes the books that make noises.
-Jacob can know put a ball in a hole or net. And he will do this over and over and over again.
-He loves riding in his wagon
-Jacob can now point to his belly button
-Some new fave foods are mushrooms, spinach, strawberries, chicken salad, pineapple, nutrigrain bars, goldfish, quesadillas, and yellow turnips. We have such a FABULOUS little eater on our hands.
-Jacob is saying "no" and "yes" all the time now. Just recently we discovered that he DOES know what they both mean. What a big boy.
-One of the harder things right now is that J is really testing boundaries and my consistency. The other day he kept crawling towards the steps (he knows he's not supposed to go over there). I didn't even go anywhere near him...all I did was say his name softly and he would turn around, look at me, and then start crying. Oh my!
-He is learing how to manipulate things like puzzle pieces to get them to do what he wants them to do
-He can say "mama", "dada", "baaa" - which I think means ball, and I swear he says something that sounds like "Jacob"
-When he wakes up from naps he'll lay in there forever just talking to himself. He also likes to pull back the curtain and see what's going on outside. So cute!!
-He is learning to throw food on the floor - not so cute!
-He is standing up by himself all the time now and is quite good at it. He gets so proud of himself. The other day he took a 1/2 step. It won't be long!!
-J has become quite the cuddler. Which I love - NO COMPLAINTS HERE. Our new bedtime routine involved rocking him until he falls asleep while singing every song I can think of. Any suggestions?
We are just continually amazed at how much he is learning. What a joy to be the parent's of this precious little guy. We are so thankful!!
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