-Jacob loves, loves, loves to eat. His favorites right now are cut up green beans, sweet potatoes, mango, bananas, and cranberry sauce. J also really likes yogurt. We just gave it to him a couple of weeks ago and it has quickly become a staple in the Vaughn household.
-Jacob is getting really good at picking food up and putting it in his mouth. He still drops a lot, but a lot more is going in too! :)
- Jacob now waves bye-bye. He also shakes his head back and forth when he doesn't want something...sometimes though he does it just because he knows it'll make us laugh.
-Jacob is pulling up on everything. He can now walk sideways by pulling himself along the couch. He is also learning to climb. Yes, climb. People my house has officially become one big jungle gym. He likes to climb up in his little blue chair. J will also pull himself up onto the couch by the use of my leg. And, just this morning he climbed under one of our bar stools and then climbed through the other two and out the other end....what a crazy boy.
-I've said before that we have quite an inquisitive little fellow.....well it continues. Jacob inspects EVERYTHING. You can see the little wheels turning trying to figure out how things work. Last week I set up a blockade upstairs thinking it would keep him contained. Well, J crawled over to it and just sat there looking at it. I thought all was still ok. A few mintues later the little Houdini wormed his way through!
-My dad made an observation the other day that Jacob loves wheels. He loves playing with his toy trucks and if a car goes by he will watch it until he can't see it anymore. Also, we went to ride go carts the other night and Jacob was fascinated watching them go round and round the track. Do we have a typical boy on our hands or what!?!
-We have been working on "No Touch" with things in the house that are off limits. I can proudly say that Jacob is getting so much better at responding the first time we say it. It's still not 100%, but he's still little and learning. The other day though I was on the other side of the room. Jacob was behind me. A second later I turned around and he was over by Samson's water bowl. I didn't have time to make it before he spilled water all over the floor. I said, "Jacob no touch". He looked at me and then crawled away. Did that boy get some hugs and praise for that!! I was such a proud mama!
-Jacob plays by himself and entertains himself so well. He loves to just pull out all of his toys and put them back in their containers. When he gets bored he just moves onto something else. I think this is such a great thing and it helps me out a lot too.
-Jacob LOVES...did I say loves?...to watch Samson play in the backyard. We throw the ball and J laughs hysterically. He also anticipates Samson bringing it back so we can do it all over again. It is so stinkin' cute. J also loves to watch Samson run up and down the hallway with one of his stuffed animals (Samson's not Jacob's) in his mouth. J will just sit there and crack himself up. These two are going to be the bestest of friends.
-J has started exhibiting a bit of stranger anxiety. We thought we had passed this stage, but apparently not. He has started clinging to both Jared and I when we are in public places. He is still friendly and smiles at everyone, but he wants to stay in our arms. :)
-Jake has starting showing a preference for men. When we are with other people he always tends to go for the males in the group. And, this boy LOVES his Coach. We were in Gatlinburg this past weekend and he didn't want anything to do with anyone but my dad. And my dad didn't like that at all!!! :) :) :)
-J loves being outside. Taking a stroll, playing with Samson, sitting on the front porch. He is just so content.
-He is learning to make noises with different toys by banging them on things or against each other.
-J likes to throw everything. Well, he hasn't learned to throw food yet. Toys and sippy cup are another story.
-We also have a little biter on our hands. We think it's because he's teething. But, he'll go like he's about to hug you and before you know it all three of those sweet little teethers have bitten into your shoulder. You say "ouch", Jacob looks at you and smiles.
-He is getting better at standing up. He can now do this with very little support....sometimes just one handed. The other day he stood by himself for about three seconds before he fell over. I don't think it's going to be long now. He also likes to get up on his knees. He's throw his hands up like he's praising the Lord and he'll hold himself there for several seconds before he falls forward. I'm not sure what he's trying to do, but it is the cutest thing. He must like it too because he'll do it over and over and over again.
-J loves to go with mommy to the grocery store. He is fascinated by all the sights and smells (I let him feel and smell the different fruits and vegetables while we talk about what they are). He also really enjoys staring at the nice checkout people as they put our groceries in the cart. I know there will come a day when taking him with me will not be so fun, but for now I am enjoying this activity.
-Our little guy just loves to interact with people. We think he may be social like his aunt Jayme. He is so content to just sit and look at you. He loves it when we talk to him, sing to him, play with him, read to him...anything. And, we love it too!
-Jacob really enjoys listening to music and he is learning to dance by bouncing up and down. At night when I am making dinner I play music in the kitchen and it keeps everyone so very happy. Jacob also loves to watch mommy dance around and entertain him.
-We love being called "mama" and "dada".
-Our sweet boy is just so active and playful. Everything is learning to him at this stage. He is figuring this world out and we are loving watching him explore his environment.
What an amazing responsibility and priviledge it is to be his parents. I assure you it is not one we take lightly. God has entrusted this sweet little soul to us and we want to raise him well. We are just so honored be his mommy and daddy. Everyday with Jake just keeps getting better and better. Happy Happy 10 Months little man!!!
Such a little cutie! I can't believe he is CLIMBING! I'm not sure I'm ready for him to teach Addy that trick just yet! Ha! They are SO big.