-Jacob is sooooo inquisitive. He plays with all his toys and examines them so closely.....he's such a little smartie pants :).
-Jacob LOVES to dump all of his toys out of their containers in the playroom.
-Not only is he crawling everywhere, but he is standing up too. The other day he stood free hand for about 3 seconds ( I think I might of had a mild heart attack at this point).
-Jacob is also trying to crawl up things. I hope this doens't mean he is going to be walking soon. :)
-He is learning to eat chunks of food. So far we've had avacado, banana, watermelon, cantelope, sweet potato, zuchini, mashed potatoes, and pancakes. After getting used to the new textures he is really liking everything.
-Jacob thinks it is the funniest thing when Samson has something in his mouth. He just cracks up which of course makes us crack up.
-Jacob makes the "rabbit-bull" face ALL the time. I made the name up when trying to explain it to someone. He scrunches his nose up like a rabbit and then makes a weird snorting/breathing noise that kindof sounds like a bull....thus rabbit-bull was born. It makes me laugh everytime!!
-Just yesterday Jacob learned to make the fish face. I was feeding him at my parent's house and in between bites he started doing it. So funny!!!
-He really likes to be in the kitchen with me playing in the tupperware cabinet. It's great because it keeps him entertained for quite a while.
-Jacob is fascinated with daily tasks that his daddy and I perform. He loves to just sit and watch us...or in the case of laundry help! He loves to watch his daddy shave in the mornings. He also loves to help take clothes out of the dryer. And, to Jared's dismay J really likes to watch mommy put on her make-up. :) Go figure!
-J gets the biggest kick out of watching me stack his blocks or cups up really high and then knock them down.
-If we could sum up Jacob's favorite thing to do right now it would be PLAY, PLAY, PLAY. He used to love to just sit and cuddle with you. Not so much anymore unless he's really tired. This boy goes non stop. He is just so busy and exploring everything right now. It's so fun, but also a little exhausting.
-We go for his 9 month check-up on Wednesday and can't wait to hear how much he weighs. He is growing like crazy. Last week I had to put up a large portion of his 9 month clothes because he is already too big for them.
-Jacob continually amazes us everyday. He is growing and learning things all the time. And, he is still just such a happy, happy little guy. His smile melts me everytime and his laugh is the best noise I have EVER heard. I never really understood love until this sweet thing entered my life. It's crazy how such a little person can change you so much. I can't imagine a day without him. He continues to be such a blessing and we feel so privileged to be his parents. What an awesome responsibility!!!!
Here are just a few pictures of our little munchkin at my parent's house. Can you tell he keeps up busy!?!
Oh, one more thing. Last Friday some of our dear, dear friends came to visit all the way from England. They were just in town for the night and we so enjoyed getting to catch up. I just love friends that you don't have to see for over 8 months, yet when you get back together it's like no time has passed. We had such a fun time and hope they come back soon!!!!!!
yay! thanks again for being such great hosts! i have been thinking about our talks and how much i miss them. do y'all have skype? i'll e-mail you about it and maybe we can stay in touch better that way. hugs!